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I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness-Hi Dive Last night

This show started out kind of late. The band went on stage around a quarter to 12, and by that time I was flying and seeing perfect skies. There were two openers that sucked our will to live so we decided to leave the joint and come back, which proved to be a good idea because when we got back, the band was getting on stage. They tore thru old and new material alike and seemed very comfortable on stage. The group was very at ease and commanded the music like a veteran band would be expected, although they only have one full length and one ep to show for their work, they are no spring chicken by any means. The roar of the guitar was especially thunderous last night due to the intimacy of the venue, for the capacity at this venue I believe only accomadates possibly 300-500 people. Super small, right?!?!?

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. damn looks like a dark,sinister, awesome show..lucky…they are playing the ecylium i think the gonna go for sure..those guys rule..soplame

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