Denver Post Underground Music Showcase

I caught up w/Denver Post Music writer John Wenzel for tommorow’s Denver Post Underground Music Showcase for an interview….

How did UMS come about and why is it essential to the music scene in Denver?

John Moore, our current theater critic, started the Underground Music Poll seven years ago as a way to gain consensus on which Denver bands are kicking the most ass. That evolved into an annual show where the poll winners would play. Then last year, thanks to our pop music critic Ricardo Baca and the tons of work he put into it, that single show turned into a 5-venue, 25-band event along South Broadway. Thiyear it has more than tripled to include over 80 bands, DJs and comedians at roughly a dozen venues along South Broadway. All for $10 in advance!

Also, our fest isn’t any more essential to the scene the other great fests around town (Westword, Denver Fest, etc.) but we do happen to have the largest and most concentrated one, so it’s a service to the local music fan to hold all that stuff in one spot, and hold so much of it for so cheap.

How would you describe the music scene in Denver?

It’s tough since “underground” is a subjective term, but overall it’s pretty friendly, collaborative and healthy. Towns like Portland might have more bands and places to play, but if you look at the awareness of the scene here 5 years ago versus today, you can see a pretty thick line pointing straight up.

How is Denver seen on a national level in terms of band exports or transplanted bands from our fair city?

I think regionally we’re seen as a hub of urban culture, but nationally we’ve got a ways to go to be considered a perpetually fruitful music town, like Seattle, Athens, Ga. or Brookyln. Then again, it’s pointless to try to impress people in Chicago, New York, etc. because they’re not here and don’t really care about what going on, at least until some trend tells them to.

Do you think the Mile High City will ever enjoy the same of status as Portland, Seattle, or Austin as music meccas?

Not in the foreseeable future, but as I said above, I’m not sure we really need to. People that really care about music don’t give a fuck where it’s being made. It’s nice to live in a place with a lot of kickass bands, and diverse culuture, and etc. But getting outside approval from the mainstream media doesn’t make a scene what it is, it’s just a way of telling people about it.

What act is not be missed Saturday?

I’m excited about the majority of the acts, and looking forward to see some new shit, but overall I’d recommend George&Caplin, Porlolo, Bela Karoli, Stung by Bees, Lion Sized, Pee Pee and Ian Cooke. If I had to pick just one… well… I can’t pick just one.

and you can read more from John Wenzel here !

By julio

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