Halloween Cont.

Continuing with the Halloween theme, even though I have never cared too much for Halloween after my mom ruined this holiday for me. She said that it was full of witchcraft and it was the day that there was the most sacrifices by the demonic forces. The last costume I remember her letting me be is Skeletor from Masters of the Universe. I remember at the time I was begging for a Castle Grey Skull for Xmas that same here, needless to say, Santa Clause did deliver. I think I was 7 or 8 at the time. I kinda new that there was no Santa Clause at an early age. We lived in apartments for as long as I can remember, and there was no fireplace. So by process of elimanation, I kind of gathered that MOM was really Santa. Anyway, if I were to dress up this year, it would be the Blue Oyster Cult with a couple of my co-workers.


By julio

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