
Mew’s show with NIN tonight at the Henry Fonda Theater in Los Angeles is canceled.
Here’s a word from the NIN PR machine: news 9.3.09: No show tonight at Henry Fonda Theater
We’re very sorry to announce that Trent is ill, and on his doctor’s orders we will not be able to perform tonight’s show at the Henry Fonda Theater. This is the only information we have at this time, we’re posting this early announcement as a convenience for those of you who had plans to attend. Reimbursement details will be posted as soon as we figure them out; likely within the next 24 hours. We wish this wasn’t necessary and we’re very sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.

However, I was able to catch up with them about their current plans and their new album. Below, there’s a video of the group performing my favorite song off of the newest album, Beach, for the first time off at the Troubadour in El Lay.


C=T: Who came up with the idea for the Mewseum and what would you like for fans to get out of the Mewseum experience?

M: It’s something that we’ve talked about for a while. It seemed like a good idea to do around the release of the record. You gather a lot of the art that has been created by the band and for the band.

C=T: The new album title is a bit long. How did you guys get it past the execs?

M: There’s really not anything of that with this band. We basically do what we want to. That’s what they signed up for, why change that. The moment somebody did want to get between us and what we do, that’s the time the relationship is over.

C=T: The tempo on the new material was slowed down immensely. What was the decision behind the change in momentum on the song tempo?

M: I can’t tell you why that is; what’s there is what felt comfortable, natural for us at that time. But yeah, you’re probably right. Maybe the tempos are a lil slower. Maybe it’s to giver oom for the organic swingy feel of the playing..

C=T: How excited are you guys for your shows coming up w/NIN and what are you doing differently in preparation for the shows ?

M: It’s great to be out with NIN for these their final shows, there’s a lot of mythology surrounding the shows. Their audience is like, what the hell is these guys up to at first, but it seems like we are winning them over during the show.

Why did you split up Intermezzo 1 & 2 on the new album?

M: They were always two separate entities, so that was always like this.

Mew @ the Troubadour from Julio Enriquez on Vimeo.

By julio

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