London I loved London, however the Her Majesty’s Sterling Silver has robbed me of my riches. Sultan’s of Ping-Where’s Me Jumper London Bridge Falling Down Outside Buckingham Palace

Barcelona La Familia Sagrada-Holy Family Church I’m back. Ten flights later, and a couple of time zone changes I am happy to be back home. I never realized how much…

LCD Soundsystem Remixed The remixer is getting remixed. It’s Friday (it’s early, but still) and I leave out of the country, I’m excited!!! I have these butterflies in my stomach,…

Kenna-The Black Goodbye EP It seems that anytime somebody mentions this guy, it’s one of two things. He’s the son of Ethiopian parents, and two, his story is told in…

Snow over Spring Break Are you kidding me?! It’s snowed over a foot. It’s the last week in March….urghh…the snow has me down a little….but all I could listen to…