Congrats to the Mavs and Suns…they finally made it to the Western finals….

I finally got around to it….

I finally got around to listening to some new music. S-O-U-N-D T-E-A-M !!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!
Movie Monster is amazing!!! It’s one of those albums that makes you happy to be alive. Tiesto In Search of Sunrise 5 Los Angeles, is well, ugh, Tiesto, which is always good background music, or good booty shakin music. The new Walkmen album is aight, nothing to write home about, maybe I was expecting a little too much. They will be here June 6th I believe, and so will Sound Team suckas!!! Juana Molina, also, is just what you expect, more Juana Molina. I have been on to her since Tres Cosas and she is on tour w/Jose Gonzales, I would kill to see both of them live. I was sooo close to seeing her at Urban Outfitters a few years back , and she just never showed up. I got the new Gomez album, which is sounding a lot like their first 2 albums, which is a great thing in my book. Snow Patrol album is emotionally drenched for all the haters out there saying , “ughh, this doesn’t sound like their old stuff…” I think the lead singer is hilarious and a good friend of mine Nick (music snob extraordinaire) sent me this email because I remember that Grey’s Anatomy used both a Gomez and Snow Patrol song in their finales….

I while watching a movie last night I saw a preview for another movie that I had seen already but had kinda forgotten about. It was the Spanish film called “The Sea Inside” starring Javier Bardem (The Dancer Upstairs, Before Night Falls, Collateral) and a famous Spanish actress that I don’t remember the name of. Think a young and skinny Iberian equivalent to France’s Catherine Deneuve, or England’s Miranda Richardson. In the movie Javier’s character is a bed-ridden quadriplegic who as you can imagine must endure a lot. He finally encounters a beautiful female (reporter?) who is so wonderful that he wants to die figuratively. In this case he also literally wants to die literally. I’ll spare you the intricacies of this particular moral dilemma and the side plots aplenty. The point is he is charming and funny and slays any woman in listening distance(sound familiar? I know, I know I drive you nuts).
The reporter eventually succumbs to his charm offensive and kisses him, I think, but I can’t remember. I have such a bad memory sometimes maybe it is my subconcious keeping me safe, anyways if she didn’t kiss him then I wish she had. I mean it isn’t going to kill her to kiss him and it will definitely help the poor guy out unless it makes him want to kill himself which it does in a way so yeah I guess bad idea, but that shouldn’t stop it from happening. I mean just because a kiss can literally cause you to die does that mean you should turn away from it. Even a wise man like Jesus didn’t turn away from his life-ending kiss of betrayal. I know what you are thinking, what does this have to do with Grey’s Anatomy? A lot actually. For example Javier Bardem’s character used to be fit athlete and a very active horse of man. The woman was blonde and wonderful and dissatisfied with her lover. Is this starting to sound familiar? As in Denny and Izzie. Now I am thinking about it, and I can find similar dramatic archetypes for most of the major plot lines in Grey’s Anatomy.

So this week I want to learn from you all:

Who is Grey’s equivalent in movies?

And for that matter who do the other characters in the show resemble?

Bonus Connection: In a past episode Patrick Dempsey’s character’s wife gets compared to which iconic actress? Answer, Catherine Deneuve

Double bonus connection – When Judas kissed Jesus to send him to his death it was in a garden in Gethsemane in Jerusalem. The movie I was watching that had the preview of The Sea Inside was an Israeli film called “Ushpizin” that was set in Jerusalem.

Do you have any other weird Grey’s connections?

city of peace to you all,

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. yeah SOUND team is the shit…best album ive heard in a long long time…cant stop listening to them since sxsw..gonna see them tonite and my expectations are very high and im sure they will be exceeded by far….

  2. Greys anatomy…jesus!…thats pegaweg220’s favorite show

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