Five is the number that I dream about….

Last night was the Broken Social Scene/Feist show at the Boulder Theatre. I usually categorize shows in different areas. Ones that were cool because they were free. Others cool because you can’t believe they actually came to your town. Others that you feel are a complete waste of time and will fail to return the 2 hours that you wasted on being there. Last nights show doesn’t fall into any of the categories from above. The show last night was mad last night. I couldn’t believe how much they love Boulder. Apparently the lead singer loves the great state of Colorado and had nothing but great memories of our beloved state. That in effect equates to a great setlist and a very enthusiastic performance by the entire crew. Granted I was unable to take any visible pictures of the show, for I was sitting in the balcony, but that did not take away from the show. It was amazing because my friend and I last night came to the conclusion that they spectacle on stage is a perfect example of organized chaos. We defined it last night, but I’m drawing a blank now. What was more of a surprise was the performance by Feist. Leslie Feist is an incredible singer/songwriter that has performed on the previous BSS album and also has appeared on the Kings of Convenience album and a Peaches album. Crazy, I know. I first heard her solo material on Metropolis which is a show on and wasn’t impressed upon first listen. She possesses this amazing appetite for life which reflects in her performance and resonates in her lyrics. As a side note, and keep in mind this is the chauvenisitic pig in me, Feist is gorgeous. She was wearing all white and looked like an angel.
The highlights of the night for me were the songs that she performed with Broken Social Scene. What kind of bothers me is that I have read in other reviews of the band that they are a rag tag bunch. Lets be honest. They are probably one of 5 bands out in rock right now that matter. Match thatt rag tag. URGHHH!!! Here is the setlist from last night provided by the Broken Social Scene messageboard.

Horn Intro
KC Accidental
Fire Eye’d Boy
Major Label Debut (Slow)
Stars and Sons
Ibi Dreams
Almost Crimes
Lovers’ Spit
Encore: Superconnected
Still Your Fag

By julio

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