Watch Tamryn’s New Video for “Love Fade”
Tamaryn’s new album “the Waves” will see the light of day tomorrow via Mexican Summer and you can purchase it here.
Tamaryn’s new album “the Waves” will see the light of day tomorrow via Mexican Summer and you can purchase it here.
Interpol traded the East Coast for one night and performed “Summer Well” w/Jimmy Kimmel last night.
Sometimes you think certain bands aren’t ready for certain venues.
Dave Sitek’s new side-project has the makings of something that can possibly be full-time.
When I posted about this song a couple of weeks back, I had no idea it would take the Interwebs via viral storm.
The second album is slowly coming together, but this Depeche Mode cover and video should hold us over.
For No One TV has a short track record of shooting intimate live performances of some of the newest faces in music today.
The verdict on MGMT‘s sophomore album are extremely polarizing.
As if there was anything else that you could imagine accompanying this lovely site with any other type of music.