Boston Night 1 Recording

Here is a link to get night 1 , I can’t wait till I get home.

Radiohead in Boston – Night 1 Live Report

Radiohead played their first gig in Boston tonight at the Bank of America Pavilion. This is the first of two gigs in Massachusetts on their North American Tour. As usual we’ll be doing live updates – because we have nothing better to do. The band started at 21:10 (Eastern Standard Time). ‘Videotape’ made its North American debut and concert goers were treated to a three song second encore. Big BIG thanks to tenacious z and Arianna for the live updates from the venue.
01 There There
02 2+2=5
03 Lucky
04 15 Step
05 Arpeggi [Thom,’If we didn’t have any new songs we’d be home now.’]
06 Kid A
07 Dollars And Cents
08 The National Anthem
09 Nude [Thom made us all say ‘Hello’]
10 Videotape
11 Paranoid Android [Thom comments on Clear Channel & Cadillac]
12 Spooks
13 The Gloaming
14 House of Cards
15 Idioteque
16 Bangers ‘N Mash
17 How To Disappear Completely
Encore 1:
18 Airbag
19 Street Spirit
20 Bodysnatchers
21 Everything In Its Right Place
Encore 2:
22 4 Minute Warning
23 My Iron Lung
24 Karma Police [Someone throws socks on stage, Thom says,’I was hoping they were bras’]

By julio

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