Today is 06-06-06

I guess a lot of people are superstitious about today. The remake of “The Omen” will be released today to coincide w/the number. Not bad publicity. I found this on Wikipedia
The Number of the Beast is mentioned in the Book of Revelation of the Christian New Testament and has long been accepted to be 666 (or, in some cases, 616). The meaning of the number is debated. In some interpretations of Christian eschatology the “Beast” is believed to refer to a being controlled by or equated with the Antichrist, whereas some scholars, such as Dr. Delbert Hillers and the editors of the Oxford & Harper Collins translations, contend that the number is a code for the Roman Emperor Nero[1], a view that is also supported by the Roman Catholic Church [2].

Today is the release of ‘Movie Monster’ and I know all of you already have the album from the internet, but I appeal to you guys to go buy this album. I can’t wait till lunch time….that and I saw that Best Buy has 2 great 80’s movies on DVD, ‘Three Amigos’ and the Sly Stallone classic ‘Over the Top!!’

I picked this up yesterday, and upon first listen, I decided that a second listen wasn’t necessary. I guess my hopes/expectations were a little too high, and there was too much going on. Maybe I just don’t get it. It could be that I was listening to the album on my way to work this morning.

The Presets

I just got a copy of this album, and I know everyone has 3 copies of this already. It is very French sounding but probably one of the better albums I have listened to this year.
The Presets
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The Presets are a Sydney-based electronic duo, consisting of Julian Hamilton and Kim Moyes. In September 2005 they released their debut album, Beams, to positive critical response. They are widely recognised for their charismatic on-stage antics and in-your-face live presence.
Julian Hamilton and Kim Moyes also play in The Dissociatives, which is co-fronted by Daniel Johns of Silverchair and Australian dance producer Paul Mac. Johns also played guitar on Presets single “Cookie”. Hamilton and Moyes are also members of Sydney instrumental group Prop.
Kim has also had a quiet solo career playing shows at Club 77 in Sydney with the local group Bang Gang, who also put both The Presets and Kim on their Ministry Of Sound album Mashed #2. He is the producer for the group and helped with the producing of another local band’s EP, The Valentinos.
The Presets are signed to Sydney independent record label Modular Recordings, home of The Avalanches, Cut Copy and Wolfmother.

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. hellz yeah!…i just picked up the sound team cd..the art work is awesome!!…im also going to go see the omen tonight..wooohooo

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