::Tonight:: Tonight::

Constellations is in hibernation right now, but the spawn child of theirs, Widowers, will be taking their maiden voyage tonight with Mothership at the Hi-Dive. It’s totally different than what you expected from anything associated with Constellations. It seems as if the Moog machine has been exchanged with an acoustic guitar. I welcome the change and you can catch them tonight:
Thursday, May 31st

w/ Achille Lauro, Widowers
Mothership CD Release Party
at Hi-Dive
Doors at 7:00 PM
21+ $6.00
and here is what they’re saying about them:
Widowers started in early 2006 as a solo project by Denver musician Mike Marchant and has since evolved into a full-blown band featuring members of Constellations and Women Gathering Gems. A resident-in-house of local recording studio Opponent Processor, Marchant writes pristine, affected pop featuring psychedelic vocal layering and electronic soundscapes. A record is in the works, followed by a slew of live shows.

By julio

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