Hot IQ’s
This was the first performance from the band since the unfortunate news that kept them Denver ridden for the duration of this year’s SXSW. They sounded a little harder than usual. I don’t know if the sound guys had the speakers up to “11” but they sounded a little more on the serious side. I welcome that change. I always knew they sounded like one of my all time favorite bands, and last night confirmed my suspicion. I have always thought that they sounded like Pavement. I don’t like comparing bands and sounds to previous bands, but when necessary, I won’t hesitate. It’s good to have you guys back….

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. that guy on stage with the Hot IQs … that’s totally me…

  2. I hope you don’t mind, but that’s now my profile pic for my blogster account

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