Tiesto @ Vinyl

$30, that’s how much it was to get in Vinyl for 1 hr. That’s kind of steep. I think I was a little inebriated with a little of my sake infused delusion to go to Vinyl and pay that kind of money. I can safely report that I am currently not under the influence of sake and I would make the same decision to pay $30 to see DJ Tiesto. Although we were only at Vinyl for one hour, we were cast under a spell upon entrance to the club. It was a perfect night where the lighting was right, the go go dancers were on point, not TOO crowded, and overall just great music. Currently, Tiesto has been treading new waters with his new sound of hard house and I welcome the change. The only sour note for the evening was my inability to hold on to my camera. As far as I’m concerned, that camera is probably at some pawn shop off of Colfax….brilliant, I know….

By julio

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