Day 3
Riverboat Gamblers
Puma/Urb Party
Beauty Bar

It was customary to hit up Beauty Bar as the first spot because I religiously found this spot right next the I35 where I always found parking. With that in mind, I hit this as the first party to see what was crackin. Keep in mind, I tried not to have a schedule making my way to 6th, however, I knew in order to enjoy myself, I had to get my ass out of bed, lunch, and be downtown no later than 1…..I didn’t know this, but one of the guys from Riverboat Gamblers is in my friends band, Marked Men…hmmm….that said, they are some crazy guys to say the least. During one of the jumps from the top speaker, I really felt he was doing a kick off of the top turn buckle ala WWE…. They were performing inside a tent, I would love to see them in a small venue….

By julio

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