Midnight Movies – Lion, the Girl

Midnight Movies haven’t missed a beat on their second album despite changing up drumming duties in the group. Lead singer Gina Olivier’s duties at one time included the drumming and lead vocals, but now, just vocals. I remember catching their last song at last year’s SXSW in Emo’s Jr. and wanting to kick myself in the ass for not getting their earlier. Her voice is ominous, much like their name, and their music. This is a big year for them. Their new release, Lion, the Girl, will be released via NEW LINE RECORDS onApril 24th and you can buy the album here or not miss them at SXSW because they are playing probably twice a day for three days. No excuses now…..

Midnight Movies-Souvenirs [mp3]

Midnight Movies-Coral Den [mp3]

By julio

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