Maximo Park-Our Earthly Pleasures

One of the most anticipated albums for me this year is Maximo Park’s Our Earthly Pleasures. I can’t tell you how many times I listened to A Certain Trigger when it was released. I have to reiterate that Maximo Park is not like their British counterparts. I have to preface this because I will defend them and the Rakes against the others that came out at the same time. Has it really been 2 years since that release, shit. Well, on the upside, they haven’t changed a whole lot, but their song writing seems to have taken a front seat on this release. They have the perfect equation down in terms of manic guitar, angular chops, and over the top vocals. The album is scheduled to be released April 5th via import and you can buy it here. Have you ever noticed how rad their album covers are? Plus, you can read more about them here:

Drowned in Sound Interview
with Lukas, Duncan and Paul
Q Magazine 5 page feature
Page 1 of Q Magazine feature. Read the whole article in the current edition of the magazine, in shops now.

Maximo Park-Our Velocity[mp3]

Maximo Park-Russian Literature[mp3]

By julio

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