Constellations Interview
The guys from Constellations have reason to be celebrating as of late. They have just released an amazing EP titled Necrogeister, which can be bought via their Myspace or at Twist and Shout. I caught up with them this week and don’t forget that they will be headlining the Bluebird Theatre TONIGHT!!! I’m excited to catch these guys and the openers are all guarenteed to rock your sox off!! In case you aren’t familiar with Constellations, they were the band I was most impressed with from the Denver Post Music Showcase last summer. The energy exuded by each band member was felt by everybody in the venue. I had never witnessed a manic and energetic bunch on stage since that day. Their music at that point was being pawned off as another post punk band, but I saw otherwise. Their new album will allow for them to flex their creative muscles.

Necrogeister is an interesting name for a title, what does it mean and where does it derive from? Necro means dead, geister means ghost in german. And an e-r forspeaking effects

How has your live show changed with the release of your new album? We’ve added a rhodes piano as well as tape delay and a fuzz modelerfor our guitars. Pushing the limits of our computer.

I heard somewhere that it took you 6mos to finish a track. True? and more importanly, why? It took about 6 months for us to build our studio , record the EP, and get it mastered. We just wanted to takeour recordings to a point we we’re all pleased with, and completely explore the options our new studio had to offer.

There’s a new member in the band, and with the addition of this new element, how has the chemistry of the band changed? We have added two new members since the last EP. In addition tomore options for arrangment and songwriting, it has introduced a vastnew sound palate. It’s been a fresh balance: much more euphoricoverall.

Most anticipated album of 2007? Radiohead, i guess.

Favorite all time movie? Style Wars

Kraftwerk or Autobahn? What? Trans Europe Express.

By julio

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