
I got my first taste of Vietnam when they lived in their home city of Austin. I caught them playing a SXSW show in the back of Cream Vintage off of the drag. Now, what is important to note is that these guys do look like they just got off of the warfield. They were on Vice and all was well, or was it? Their album The Concrete’s Always Grayer on the Other Side of the Street was not well received by the public and were dismissed. The guys decided to head North and try different avenues. Ultimately, they ended up in Brooklyn and were signed by Kemado and they are set to drop their Self-Titled release late January. Their new album is like an album that was dug out from the ashes of the war in the late 60’s. One of the many upcoming releases that I’m looking forward to. Lead vocalist Michael Gerner’s voice is remniscent of a later Dylan voice, but less raspier. The guys just played a Fader Party this month and as you can see for yourself, these guys are RUFF!!!

VieTnam S/T Release Date Jan. 23, 2007

1. Step on Inside
2. Priest Poet & The Pig
3. ApocLAypse
4. Mr. Goldfinger
5. Toby
6. Gabe
7. Welcome To My Room -Stream
8. Hotel Riverview
9. Summer in the City
10. Too Tired

Band Site

Vietnam-Too Tired Video

I wonder if the guys are into the Dead much?

By julio

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