Menos El Oso /
Minus the Bear

These guys just don’t know when to stop. They have gone on a whirlwind tour 3 or 4 times, a trip across the pond, and they are about to release a tribute album of sorts. The name of the album is,
Interpretacions Del Oso, and is being interpreted by
Dalek, Battles (Tyondai Braxton), Alias, P.O.S., Fog, Jay Clark (Pretty Grils Make Graves), Dark Baby, IQU. The tracklisting is as follows:

1.Drilling- P.O.S.
2. Memphis & 53rd – FOG
3. Fulfill the Dream – Tyondai Braxton
4. This Ain’t A Surfin’ Movie – IQU
5. The Fix – Plan B
6. Hooray – Dark Baby (Yuuki Matthews of Crystal Skulls)
7. The Game Needed Me – The Oktopus (Dalek)
8. Pachuca Sunrise – Alias 9. Michio’s Death Drive – Michio
10. El Torrente – J. Clark (Jay Clark of Pretty Girls Make Graves)
11. The Pig War – O, Hunter (Morgan Henderson of Blood Brothers)

and the video below is of Pachuca Sunrise, #9 on Mtv’s Best of 06′ Videos….

By julio

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