Stormy SXSW Saturday

Good thing I brought my umbrella, cuz it’s a stormin’ round these parts… ughh, my body can no longer function on bbq, tex mex and cerveza….my body is full on rejecting anything of that nature today, I haven’t tried yet, but I know…..Yesterday was probably one of our more productive days, we got an early start at the Pitchfork / Emo’s annex tent to catch Jose Gonzalez, which I’m thoroughly convinced that if Wes Anderson ever made a serious attempt at making a serious/drama type movie, Jose Gonzalez would be the person that would score that movie. His music is very subtle and moving, and I have this cover of him doing Kylie Mingoue’s “Hand on your heart” that I swear had me crying immediately….

Jose Gonzalez

After Jose Gonzalez our tanks were empty, we went up the street to Stubb’s BBQ, and for anybody that doesn’t know me that well, at my house you will onlly find Stubb’s BBQ sauce, I am convinced that this is God’s gift to man….”oh so yummy”(to be read in your best Cartman voice)!!!!!!! I ordered the Stubb’s major, which consists of 3 meats and 3 sides, for man should not live on 2 meats and 2 sides as noted by the Stubb’s minor…I ordered ribs, brisket, and a hot link, sides I ordered beans, spinach, and mashed potatoes… I was satisfied with the meal, but after eating at Rudy’s the other day, damn, Rudy’s is I afraid to say, better….who knows, maybe it’s the dimensia talking, sleep depravation amongst other things…. but after the meal, we hit up the Pitchfork tent again to catch one of the more exciting offering from DFA (which stands for Death from above) records, which is home to LCD Soundsystem, and all those crazy dance punk kids, but we caught the Juan Maclean, he seemed disgruntled because his records kept on jumping all over the place, which coincdentally reminded me of that scene in “House Party” when Martin Lawrence is spinning and this guy bustin his sweet moves keeps on hitting the table where he is spinning and the dude that hit his turntables told him he was doing him a favor….anybody that knows, when your tables get bumped or even worse, have a “train wreck” which is defined in the urban dictionary as– when homeboy the newb DJ trys to mix some beats together and it sounds like shoes in the dryer. its painfull. it really is. but I can’t get the stupid photos to upload, so I must bid adieu w/more pics and more incessant rambling…

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. Stubb’s BBQ!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like somebody needs a good Brisket in the Belly!

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