SXSW Day 2 (but really a recap of day 1)

Sound Team

yesterday was filled with lots of overcast skies, more lone star, and more taco cabana, i can’t enough of that shit…seriously….but we made it in time for the day parties on 6th, which started w/Zykos, not too memorable, but Sound Team which is one of the main bands I came to see looked like some high school rock band, but sooo good, I guess it’s been an ongoing trend, but most new bands are trying to emulate this manic david byrne energy from his days w/the talking heads, great sound nonetheless , very good….

The Octopus Project

After Sound Team, we kind of mosied our way to the Red Eyed Fly, we caught the Octopus Project, which was pretty surreal, they we’re very loud, and quiet at the same time, no vocals, just pretty noise….

I love you but i’ve chosen darkness

Late night , we saw Voxtrot cheesy poppy and kind of like ben folds rock…Serena manesh pitchfork darlings that forgot to show up a rock, of montreal was like watching captain fantastic elton john, very boisterous and curious, but great, and another local talent and you will know us by the trail of dead were like this white stripes lyric that kind of goes like “if you can hear a piano fall you can hear me coming down the hall” which was very fascinating, note to self, purchase all their catalog, ep’s included….

This is another reason I’m in Austin, more homegrown talent, I love you but ive chosen darkness, they have this delicate sinister quality that comes across in their hooks and chops…WOW!!!

More items I have learned while on this trip….

a) my camera sucks in the dark, or maybe i do and i haven’t figured how it works

b)taco cabana rulz

c)why do women have to have clear purses w/pictures of their kids or husbands, seriously, i could really go without having to see them, ughh…..i’ve seen 7 women w/this purse, FAUX PAS….

By julio

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