Yeah, So It Was Like 16 Degrees

at kickoff and the temperature slowly tapered off as the night progressed. I had to witness Jay Culter’s first performance as a Donkey. He is Jake Plummer’s successor for those of you that don’t pay attention to sports, and this is Mike Shannahan’s most risky move to date. The Donkey’s lost on a last minute field goal and, granted the five turnovers didn’t help their chances one bit. I can tell you that even though the temperatures were a little on the frigid side, we managed to stay warm thanks in largely part to the Olympic Style boozing that we partook for the evening festivities. My second favorite columnist is back from his stint with ESPN on Cold Pizza and is resuming his duties as columnist for the Denver Post. His first assignment back on the job is the Cutler debacle from yesterday. Read it here .

All my party people

Esteban and I

By julio

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