Hot IQs -Hi Dive

11-17-2006 Anniversary Party

I apologize in advance for the poor lighting in the photos. No amount of photoshop would help. By this time, the lighting in the joint went from dim to nonexistent. The Hot IQs were playing in support of their new EP , Dangling Modifier, and celebrating the 3 year anniversary party at Hi-Dive, which I don’t think they could have found a better headliner. The band was flexing their new material, and the wait begins for a the FULL LENGTH and to see how much this band is going to blow up on the scene, even more than they already have. The shoulder to shoulder crowd ate up the new material, and I speak for everybody that was in attendance, because I am eagerly awaiting a FULL LENGTH soon. You can buy the EP here and you can also buy either you or the old lady some hot pants.

By julio

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