Tiny Dancers

This was forwarded to me, and truth be told, I wouldn’t post it if I didn’t like it. They are on Parlophone and will be releasing their EP next week.

From EP Lions and Tigers and Lions Track Listing
1. 20 to 9
2. Hemsworth Hallway
3. Russian Snow
4. Sun Goes Down
5. Going Away

thetinydancers.com band site

Buy it here
Via Amazon
Via Amazon UK

From their bio-

Tiny Dancers are David Kay (vocals, acoustic guitar), Chris ‘Ev’ Etherington (lead guitar, keyboards), Dez Wathey (bass guitar), Duncan ‘Zed’ Morrison (drums) and Glover (keyboards, glockenspiel, percussion, guitar, noise creation). They all grew up in South Kirkby, South Elmsall and Brierley, three small former pit villages marooned in the West Yorkshire countryside between Doncaster and Wakefield. The kind of places where everyone knows everyone else and “there’s always a friendly face”, they were at the very centre of the miner’s strike – although only one of the band is old enough to have a vague memory of it.

The name is not taken from the Elton John song, but because it just felt right: playful, unassuming, but intimate too. “We like the song, but it’s not a tribute to Elton John or anything. It’s just a happy coincidence. Tiny Dancers has got a good, positive feeling.”

So what will you hear when you hear Tiny Dancers? You’ll hear a distinctly English eccentric take on those strong 60s pop melodies with close harmonies, memorable guitar riffs, touches of country rock, of techno-funk raunch, of post-punk innovation. Most of all, you’ll hear a band that fit into few established pigeonholes, that sound utterly themselves.

Live, you’ll see a frontman who looks like some unholy mix of David Johansson, Beck and Bowie leading a stylish gang who swap instruments, laugh a lot and banter with each other and the crowd. You’ll see decorative touches, standard lamps, flowers and stuffed toys. And lots of balloons and glitter. Decorating the stage, they say, is part of the fun, a way of making it feel like home. “Although it does cause quite a lot of discomfort in the van.”

Like The Flaming Lips, Tiny Dancers are serious about their music, but intend to have fun playing it live. “We love bands that push themselves, stretch themselves,” they say. “We’re always thinking of different ideas, things to play with.” They laugh, then Ev sums them up in a sentence. “We’re quite unpredictable.”

‘Lions And Tigers And Lions’ the debut EP released 20th November

By julio

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