New Release Tuesday and Borat…..

I finally caught Borat last night, and low brow as it may have been, the movie made my face hurt all night. It was hurting from smiling and laughing sooo hard. Don’t expect subtlety in this movie and you will be alright. The movie was a little on the short side, too much of Borat would have killed me…. Ryan brings up a really good point!

Graham Coxon-Love Travels At Illegal Speeds

Here is the latest single off of Mister Blur’s latest solo project.

Graham Coxon-Standing On My Own Again

Joanna Newsom

And I would love this new release too, but call it A D D, but I have a hard time of listening to songs 15 minutes in length. Beautiful album, but 15 minute tracks?

Joanna Newsom-Emily

By julio

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