(Superband from Detroit, Michigan that is)

For those of you who read me from time to time, I don’t hide the fact that I love collectives. There’s one more from CMJ that I loved that I will write about next week, but today is Canada. Canada’s vibrance could be felt in every note that they played last week, and granted it was only a 20 minute set, they played as if it were their last performance, ever.

This is from their site:

a seven piece musical collective hailing from the Ann Arbor and Ferndale area of Michigan. Canada was conceived on November 18th 2004. A group of long-time friends, who all happened to play various musical machines, gathered together in a basement full of rain and crystal chandaliers and began humming melodies. Shortly after, they convened on Vorhies farm in Ann Arbor and crafted their songs from the air and from the earth. From these gatherings came the songs that would make up the How Dare You EP and later the LP This Cursed House.
Canada’s very first show was on August 25th 2005 at The Magic Stick in Detroit. They played with friends Great Lakes Myth Society, Rescue and The Silent Years. It was a wonderful night.
Canada’s first full length album, This Cursed House, was locally released via Quite Scientific Records on June 20, 2006 and then released nation-wide on September 19, 2006. It is available for purchase at
shows and via Quite Scientific’s website as well as Insound, eMusic, iTunes and Amazon. Thank you.Steven, Joe, Saul, Aaron, Amy, Ryan and Kaylan The Canada MySpaceQuite Scientific Records


Canada-Beige Stationwagon


Nov 12 2006
The Blind Pig
Ann Arbor
Nov 17 2006
The Chapel
Lake Forest, IL
Nov 18 2006
Cafe Montmarte
Madison, WI
Nov 19 2006
Cowboy Monkey
Champaign, IL
Nov 20 2006
The Empty Bottle
Chicago, IL

By julio

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