Colorado Invades CMJ DJ Sara T

“As a musician, a visual artist, and the co-owner of the popular boutique Chielle, Sara Thurston already has plenty on her plate. But her soul is best expressed through her performance as Dj Sara T. Long hailed as one of the best DJ’s in Denver, Thurston blasts out sets of electro-inflected shrapnel and bass heavy artillery, all delivered with verve, intellect, integrity, and abandon. If you’re looking for a party in a crate, Sara T. brings it.”-The Onion // Sept 7th, 2006 // by Jason Heller

////press//// Six DJs you ought to be dancing to // The Denver Post // Aug 17th, 2006 // by John Wenzel Club ScoutDJ Sara T. // Westword // March 28th, 2005 // by Jen PadgettTenacious T // Westword // Jan 27th, 2005 // by Jason Heller

MySpace page

DJ Sara T Mix

Oct 31 2006
@ New York
Nov 1 2006
@ New York
Nov 3 2006
Fanatic Party
@ Bar 13 New York


from their bio:

Let’s face it, there really isn’t such a thing as “catalog artists” anymore. While plenty of bands are seemingly thriving, one of the invisible casualties of today’s money and trend-driven music industry are the future Neil Young’s and Pink Floyd’s of the world — the artists who make music because they need to, not to help market their clothing line. Not to sound too lofty, but Denver, Colorado’s VAUX are one of those bands and Beyond Virtue, Beyond Vice is their masterwork.

11/01/2006 – New York City, NY @ Pure Volume Loft Party – VAUX acoustic promptly at 4 PM 394 Broadway #6
11/01/2006 – New York City, NY @ Fat Baby CMJ Nitro / Outlook Showcase
11/03/2006 – Asbury Park, NJ @ Stone Pony w/ Rx Bandits, Lawrence Arms

Hot IQs

These guys are so good no intro is needed…..

Hot IQs-Retromuff

Upcoming Shows
( view all )
Oct 31 2006
Midway CMJ Showcase
New York City, NY
Nov 1 2006
Arlene’s Grocery (Pirate Radio CMJ Day Party)
New York
Nov 1 2006
Roustabout / The Darkhorse Tavern w/ Eames Era
State College

The Photo Atlas


Check out their website

from miss ultagrrrl
I know that I speak for everyone at ST when I asy that we are beyond excited about this signing. Immediately following SXSW, we became obsessed and determined to sign this band, and fuck, are we excited we did. Love, Sarah

Nov 2 2006
New York
Nov 3 2006
The Tank CMJ Showcase w/ 1090 Club, Coyote Bones, Banana War
NY, New York
Nov 4 2006
Purevolume CMJ Party
New York, New York

By julio

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