
I use this blog to write about music. I just came back from Cuahtemoc, Chihuahua and Chihuahua, Chihuahua for a wedding. It was a very education and informative trip. The same rule still applies when driving in Mexico, where the only rule is no rules apply. If you don’t drive with wreckless abandon, you are considered an outcast, and the funny thing is that I never saw a wreck. Not a lot of people know this, but Cuahtemoc is home to one of the largest Mennonite communites. I found this information at Wikipedia-As of 2003, there were an estimated 80,000 Old Colony Mennonites in Mexico.[21] These Mennonites descend from a mass migration in the 1920s of roughly 6,000 Old Colony Mennonites from the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. In 1921, a Canadian Mennonite delegation arriving in Mexico received a privilegium, a promise of non-interference, from the Mexican government. This guarantee of many freedoms was the impetus that created the two original Old Colony settlements near Patos (Nuevo Ideal), Durango, and CuauhtĂ©moc, Chihuahua.[22]
It was crazy to see this entire culture existing in Mexico. I was able to visit the museum and this is what I saw….

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By julio

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