Best Shows of 2008

I went to a couple of shows this year. Some in Denver, and some not in Denver. I’m going to do it in chronological order.

::: Yeasayer & MGMT
::: Hi-Dive
::: 02.04.08

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This show was a co-headlining tour and if memory serves me right, it was a cold snowy day, and I remember not wanting to go and opt to stay home and cuddle. I opted for the former and I was handsomely rewarded. Little did we know that MGMT was going to turn into this massive craze.

::: She & Him
::: Diesel SXSW Party
::: 03.15.08

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I like Zooey Deschanel’s style of singing and M. Ward’s strumming doesn’t hurt either. This act was the only highlight for the party and dare I say, a little out of the way.

::: Cut Copy
::: IHEARTCOMIX PARTY-Amli Parking Garage
::: SXSW

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I don’t know if it was the gonzo approach to this party, but the element of having to bribe a watchman to let us walk up the garage instead of waiting in line for elevator like the rest of the chimps was kind of fun. Now, if we only had remembered to have some booze with us instead of having to wait in a 30 minute booze line, all would have worked out. Cut Copy had just played their tenth set of the day, but they gave it their all.

:::The Black Keys
::: Ogden Theater
::: 04.09.08

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I was a casual fan of the duo before, and after the show, I’m kind of crazy for these guys. Their live show rocks extremely hard for a duo.

::: Flight of the Conchords
::: Ellie Caulkins Opera House
::: 05.15.08

The duo from New Zeland are funnier in person, if you can believe that.

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::: Spoon
::: Mile High Music Festival
::: Day 1

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A lot of people complain about Spoon’s live show. I know that the temperature soared to scorching levels inside the tent when they went on stage.

::: Radiohead
::: Outside Lands Festival
::: Day 1

Radiohead :: Outside Lands Festival Day 1 2008

We were all cold, damp, tired, and did I mention cold. We endured the elements to see Radiohead play the first after dark show at Golden Gate Park and it was WORTH IT! Even after the technical difficulties, the guys proved their showmanship and played one hell of a show. No surprises , though.

::: Broken Social Scene
::: Outside Lands Festival
::: Day 2

Now, if we could figure out how to get them back to Denver, just once. It felt that group was extra large that day, or maybe it was just Spiral Stairs joining the group on stage.

Broken Social Scene :: Outside Lands Festival Day 3 :: 2008

Broken Social Scene :: Outside Lands Festival Day 3 :: 2008

::: Julieta Venegas
::: Ogden Theater
::: 08.07.08

Her music with the backing band jumped from great to amazing, but she didn’t need that much help. She can do fine by herself. Just give her an accordion and a mic!

Julieta Venegas :: Ogden Theater :: 08.07.08

::: Rage Against the Machine
::: DNC Tent Event
::: 08.26.08

One of the craziest things ever because of the mass hysteria that was buzzing around the city and what would eventually be one of the biggest presidential victories in the history of the US.

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rage against the machine :: denver coliseum :: dnc tent event :: 08.26.08

::: Monolith Music Festival
::: Day 2

Who knew their album would be #1 in several publications? Not one of my faves, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t have the most explosive performance on Day 2!

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::: Spiritualized
::: Ogden Theater
::: 09.23.08

One of the most emotional involving show I have ever attended. The shivers were sent down my spine and the tears in my eyes.

Spiritualized :: Ogden Theater :: 09.23.08

::: Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks & Blitzen Trapper
::: Gothic Theater
::: 11.06.08

Blitzen Trapper was touring in support of their gem and playing with their native Oregonian brethren to light up the night and set the stage for what would end up being a two hour Jicks show that would end up with everybody on stage.

Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks :: Gothic Theater :: 11.06.08

Blitzen Trapper :: Gothic Theater :: 11.06.08

Blitzen Trapper :: Gothic Theater :: 11.06.08

By julio

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