Mates of State :: Gothic Theater :: 10.01.08

::: Mates of State
::: Gothic Theater
::: 10.01.08

The envied couple of hipster couples everywhere made their way to Denver last night for the Myspace Goldrush tour. I was just thinking what Ikea set they have in any given room in their home. All shizz aside, the perfectly harmonious vocals stayed in sync for a remarkably short set. The openers had longer sets IMHO or maybe I was enjoying myself way too much. You kind of forget about how long the pair have been making music and kind of take them for granted and hope they continue with their fantastic string of album makng. I would love to catch a headlining set from the couple and their newish album Re-Arrange Us material had the eagerly awaiting Santogold fans shaking their bodies despite their strong resistance to hate.

Mates of State-Jigsaw [mp3]

Mates of State :: Gothic Theater :: 10.01.08

Mates of State :: Gothic Theater :: 10.01.08

Mates of State :: Gothic Theater :: 10.01.08

Mates of State :: Gothic Theater :: 10.01.08

By julio

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