Idiocracy-Movie Review

Imagine my suprise that while I was in Austin, that I was going to be in one of four cities that would be showing Mike Judge’s newest masterpiece. The movie was almost deadpanned altogether if it had not been for contractual obligations by 20th Century Fox. The movie was hysterical. I can’t think of a funnier movie that I have seen this year. Luke Wilson plays an average everday guy working in the Army Library with no family or many friends. The Army decides to conduct an experiment to freeze him and Maya Rudolph (Saturday Night Live) , which she plays a prostitute. Time passes and the office closes and they are frozen for 500 years. They wake up and come to find the USA in complete chaos. The dumbing down of man had taken it’s grip on the American people, thus making the frozen experiments the smartest people on Earth. I won’t ruin the rest, but take my word, when this becomes available on DVD, you must SCOOP this one up. Mike Judge definately got shat on , yet again, but you can read a great interview from Esquire , that explains the lack of funding for advertising from 20th Century Fox. Apparently test audiences couldn’t understand the movie and hated it. Wow, I guess the dumbing down of American has already started.

Review in the L.A. Times
Review at the The A.V. Club

By julio

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