Radiohead Remixes

Too much Radiohead news. Here’s some more.Oh, and good luck on getting tickets.

Rainydayz Remixes

After a cease & desist put the breaks on Amplive’s Radiohead In Rainbows remix project, the online music community reasonably wondered if the tracks would ever see the light of day. Well, here they are.

While the Oakland producer/DJ acknowledges that he probably should have contacted Radiohead (who were not involved in the project) to seek approval prior to making his interpretations publicly available, an agreement has been reached between all involved parties and Amplive has been granted permission to release Rainydayz Remixes for free to the general public. Effective immediately, the eight-track record is available here.

Rainydayz Remixes is composed exclusively of source material pulled from In Rainbows, re-envisioned by Amplive and complimented by vocal work from Too $hort, MC Zumbi of Zion I, Chali2na of Jurassic 5, Codany Holiday, and Del The Funky Homosapien.

You can find the the album here, and below is a taste.

Radiohead-Faustz (Amplive Remix) [mp3]

Radiohead-Weird Fishez (Amplive Remix) [mp3]

By julio

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