Summer Jamz

Every summer there’s that one song that no matter what you do, it’ll be there. You can be in a restroom, elevator, work, school, on the street, or just maybe your home, and to no avail it will be there. Such is the case with Hurricane Chris. You might not know him by name, but I bet you a dollar that you’ve heard the song. My brother-in-law that doesn’t speak much English has this as his ringtone and when I heard it, I nearly wet my self. My wife was a little upset because she thinks I give him a hard time, so is life. Yesterday, I asked my cubicle farm neighbor Jaliyl if he knew that song. A belt of laughter ensued. He told me who it was, and after every comment, I said “Ay Bay Bay!” By the end of the night, the entire cubicle farm was going into an “Ay Bay Bay!” induced frenzy. Enjoy! Oh yeah, and Jaliyl also said that Hurricane Chris looks like an early 70’s Stevie Wonder, I concur.

Hurricane Chris-A Bay Bay[mp3]

Hurricane Chris-Hand Clap[mp3]

By julio

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