The Police
Pepsi Center

What seemed like a night of promise, opportunity, and reunions, kind of fizzled before my eyes. In Spanish, there is a saying that goes, “Todo que empieza mal, termina mal,” which loosely translates to, “Everything that starts off wrong, ends wrong.” We went to eat dinner before the concert and everywhere had a wait longer than the Colorado Rockies being a horribly run franchise (that’s an entirely different story). We got to the show 30 mins. into the set and finally made our way to the seats in the upper area of the Pepsi Center. I had to kind of duck due to being so close to the Avalanche Championship banners that hang at the top of the arena. The performance was lackluster, not very tight, and Sting has 0 stage presence. I was agitated at the fact that they played uninspired at times, and kind of did what the crowd expected them to do. I don’t know what I was expecting. Their time was before I entered Kindergarten, however, for the money that one spends, one expects excellence, or at least an eye opening laser show. Everybody loves lasers. Stewart Copeland is one of the best drummers, ever, however, it didn’t seem that Sting and crew were on the same page during certain numbers. Most of the hits were played, but not all, due to the two day stint here in town. I was able to unearth the amazing Lost Tapes BBC Session, provecho!

By julio

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