Park Hotell

Ok, maybe not the best album cover, but it’s what on the inside that counts, and it could be worse, it could look like the new Polyphonic Spree Cover , eww… This music is very easy on the ears, breezy, and it has the mixing work from Bjorn, from PB & J. The music works well, especially with Spring in full bloom and me just getting a new grill set! Check out this great article about the band, and don’t forget that their EP The Guest Who Stayed Forever will be released June 1st and can be purchased here or here, oh and one more thing, check these two cuts from the EP, this stuff is like crack for the ears because the two songs sound like some music that should have been included in the Pretty in Pink Soundtrack.

Park Hotell-Low on Resistance[mp3]

Park Hotell-Size of Spain[mp3]

MATTIAS ALKBERG ABOUT PARK HOTELL:Man, these guys. They’re not that old but they’ve still reached that age when everything simply isn’t ok anymore. Not ok to always oversleep, not ok to be the last and most drunk person left at someone’s birthday party.
Often, like, someone’s drunk and gets hurt, gets an awful bruise in the face from being run over by a bike. Or the cash point swallows the card because they enter the wrong code that fateful third time. And other stuff like that, that you barely believe when you hear it.
They play with some different bands with good and worse results. Cristian plays with MABD and Jonas toured in Germany with the Bear Quartet when he was 19. Petter takes it easy and plays with whoever, he’s a killer on any instrument but he can never be the main man.
They’re friends with everyone but mostly with the guys in Convoj and someone at the second largest evening paper in Sweden.
They’re always trying to move away from home but it’s not going too well. Well, they do it regularly but then it’s over with the girl or it was just a substitute job and not a permanent one, even though it felt like it. It felt kind of right, but still. And then they’re back at their moms’ again.
They’re a bit lazy and clumsy and they make excuses when you know they really just didn’t bother. They’re not very helpful, I mean, they’re good-hearted and decent but they kind of fall through sometimes. They’re too hung over.
Like, they wanna be DJs and arrange clubs and most of the time it’s fun as hell, there’s a lot of people but someone smashes the toilet bowl into pieces or forgets to close a door and all the turntables are stolen.
Once when they didn’t have a drummer they played in Sundsvall. They drove 1060 km and earned 20 bucks each. About 30 people were there watching. Another time they went from Luleå to Hässleholm to Gothenburg in a weekend. They earned even less that time and on top of that the car broke down, but that happened even before they left Luleå. Those kinds of stories are repeated ad infinitum in their circles.
Still, they’re not that dangerous, they haven’t got a bad reputation or anything. They’re just young and don’t think like a father of five children who writes poetry and stuff. They think other things are important but I have no fucking clue what that is.
Because they have a band of their own, Park Hotell. Cristian and Jonas make lots of songs and then they show Petter and it’s so damned good you have no idea. But they are like they are. They recorded an album about two years ago that never came out. At first there was something with the guy who had the record label, he was mentally ill, and then something about it being so badly mixed (according to themselves, that is) that they remastered everything at home in Windows and pitched up all tracks. Then there was something about 15 000 kronor that they didn’t have and then someone was gonna mix some of the tracks again but he was to damned expensive. Then there was someone else who cheated them and now they’re finally here.
Me and everyone else that’s already heard it, thinks that it’s so marvelous and sad pop that I get goosebumps just thinking about it. // Mattias Alkberg

By julio

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