Juana Molina and Adem @
the Walnut Room 10-17-06

The Walnut Room was new territory for me. I have never been here and it is one of the newer venues for music in Denver. I have never been to a show as intimate as the Walnut Room. I am very impressed at the quality that the establishment has to offer. You could literally hear a pin drop in the room, it was that quiet. I am not familiar w/Adem’s work, however, his voice did have a Chris Martin characteristic to it that made it that much more charming. Juana Molina was in a very funny mood tonight, either that or she was really comfortable, because she was cracking wise for most of the evening. I am still amazed at the beauty of her voice and her different Spanish accent is what really does it for me, becuase upon listening to her sing in Spanish, her accent tips off immediately that it is of South American descent.

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By julio

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