Asobi Seksu @ Hi-Dive 10-12-06

Asobi Seksu is Japanese for “playful sex.” They are a band that deserves to have a fan blowing the band members hair while performing live on stage. The blowing air would add even more to the dramatic effect that their music already has. I overheard people talking at the show that their music sounded like 60’s-ish type music with a tinge of Hawaiian flair. Is that how you would define shoegaze? I don’t know. I know that I LOVED what I heard. It’s the kind of music that your girlfriend might like(or significant other), and you two could definitely agree upon. The emotion and group dynamic was very tight nitched. I don’t understand Japanese, but when Yuki sings in her native? language, it couldn’t sound anymore beautiful. Definitely a plus if you area into J-Pop.

My Favorite Picture(can I nominate this one for picture of the year?)
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By julio

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