SXSW Day ?/!@#

Yesterday was a sham of sorts, we kind of were slow to wake, and ended up having Rudy’s BBQ, so good, my only qualm was the ribs didn’t have enough meat, but they were soooo good….We wanted to make it to Red 7 for Tapes’N Tapes and we caught the last 2 seconds of their set, I don’t feel bad because when we left, lots of people had the same schedule as us and were duped as well….I met this guy from the UK group the Capes there, and he was pretty nice and in good spirits, it was funny because I asked him who was on after TapesN Tapes, and he casually said, “oh yeah, we’re next, we’re the Capes,” but really nice about it…..We proceeded to Stubbs where we missed yet another show because we wanted to catch the tail end of the Wu-Tang set, and came only to hear Ghostface Killah say , “Peace,” wow, so at this point we were 0-2, so we needed to stay positive, we ended up at Emo’s and caught The Most Serene Republic, the latest offering from Arts and Crafts label in Canada, and to be honest, I have yet to hear a shitty band on that label, seriously….They were playing Emo’s inside, we caught their set and right after they played, Black Heart Procession went on like a gypsy dancing near a campfire, that’s what they sounded like, I really remember them being a little harder, but good, nonetheless….

The Most Serene Republic

Night Time at the Diesel Party

Film School


We decided to go to an invite party last night presented by Diesel, only to encounter a slew of hipsters/scenesters that really don’t care about the music that is played. I was excited to catch Film School, they just had their van and gear stolen in New Jersey a couple of weeks ago, but they were short pressed for time, they only played for 20 mins or so, they had to jet to another showcase, but the short time they did play really won me over…..The Spinto Band was no bargain, and that was pretty disheartening because I had read so much positive press, same w/Boy Least Likely To, kind of pinned my ass into boredom submission….We caught Voxtrot yet again, and as much as I want to like them, they just kind of died by the wayside….Editors finally went on like the crack of a whip and just stormed the stage like some Mongolian Warfeast….we were star struck, they played well, and ended the set w/plenty of fury….

By julio

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