Quick Hits this morning

Today is 9-11. It’s been 5 years to the day, and I have to say that my heart goes out to all the people and families that suffered a loss that day. I will only say one thing. I am sick and tired of the US media/President exploiting this day and preparing the general public for 2 weeks on how the state of the nation is and replaying this awful day over and over. That is all.

What a shitty weekend for sports. All my favorite teams lost, by a landslide. My fantasy players sucked. Andy Roddick got pummeled by the Swiss Steamroller. I didn’t leave my home at all th is weekend. It was raining and cold. Maybe better luck next week.

The ACL List continues….


I have loved Gomez since they came out with their Mercury Prize winning debut album and have never seen them live. I have always taken for granted that they tour relentlessly and have yet to make a bad album. Their sound has changed as they have matured into the jam loving psychedelic UK band, but they are getting more and more attention. Their music has appeared on many shows, including everyone’s favorite “Grey’s Anatomy” 2 hour finale. I have no excuse this time, and I MUST see them. When I was younger, one of their songs was designated the driving home song after a hard night of boozing.

Gomez-Tijuana Lady (the driving home song)
Gomez-How We Operate

In case you didn’t pick this one up-

The Roots-Game Theory

A lot of people have dismissed this album or just plain forgot about them. “Game Theory” marks one of The Roots best albums in a while, and this song in particular samples Radiohead’s “You and Whose Army.” You will not be disappointed.

The Roots-Atonement

By julio

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