The Denver Collective

The Denver Post (Ricardo Baca) had a great article today , The new big bands, describing the NEW collectives that are assembling this very moment in my fair city of DENVER. They range from the beautiful sounds of Broken Social Scene, Arcade Fire, Guided by Voices, Devendra, and many others.

everything absent or distorted (a love story)

The first is everything absent or distorted (a love story). I liked this group the most and are the ones that sound like Broken Social Scene ( I don’t throw this comparison out too lightly), American Analog Set, and Arcade Fire and I can’t wait to see them at the South Park Music Festival Prom Night (think SXSW in the mountains). They are dreamy in every sense of the word and the band consists of 7 members with no real band leader. The music belongs to all and everybody belongs to the music.

official bandpage-
myspace –

Nathan and Stephen

This collective consists of 8 or more members depending on the day . They range from saxophone to strings… The band only started with the two , Nathan and Stephen , and grew to a bigger family that came to include all of their buddies. Their sound is reminiscent of Doug Marsch from Built to Spill with blips and glitches and not so much abrasiveness from the voice part…

Only a myspace for right now

Nathan and Stephen – Newsong mp3 File Link


Pee Pee may have the funnier of the names, but not meant to be taken lightly. They are a freak folk out collective that would make Devendra proud and are described a ‘front porch core.’ Whatever that means, but they are in yo face’ ol twang that would make you feel like you are at some family reunion in Nacadoches, TX or just at your Uncle Raul’s house…They too will be at the South Park Music Festival.


PEE PEE- Dixiecup mp3 File Link

By julio

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