Ximena Sariñana

Yesterday morning we were listening to an interview of Ximena Sariñana on NPR that you can listen to here, or maybe you fancy a performance on KCRW here. For the life of me I couldn’t remember listening of or hearing Ximena’s music or her musical peformance. I had seen her in a couple of Mexican movies but didn’t put the two together. Her soft and dainty voice is decieving because of how soulful her vocals and lyrics come across on her album, Mediocore (which you can buy here). Early comparisons have her standing amongst the ranks of a Norah Jones, but she’s so much more. In the interview, she states that some of her early inspiration came from Tracy Chapman and Ella Fitzgerald. Either way you shake it, her album is a first of a kind to come from Mexico. Ely Guerra is the closest I can think of that kind of compares, but Ximena is a one of a kind and if she keeps this up, her musical hobby will overshadow her cinematic aspirations, or perhaps both. Did I mention that she’s dating Omar from the Mars Volta?

Ximena Sariñana-Vidas Paralelas [mp3]

Video: Vidas Paralelas

By julio

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