There ‘s Snakes on da Motha*&%$in Plane!

So here is the obligatory “Snakes on a Plane” post. I saw this movie last night already informed that the movie is the best B movie ever made. Expectations were high, and my slurpee was full. I will say that movie was done very well. This may sound funny, but for a movie of it’s caliber, it wasn’t TOO over the top. It was done within reason and none of the scenes were blown out of proportion. It seemed like they knew how much to push the envelope without becoming too annoying. Everything that could have happend that went wrong, went wrong… Very funny and probably the best Summer Blockbuster this year from the lackluster offering that was given this year. Samuel L. Jackson WAS the movie, but that’s not such a bad thing, you’ve seen his movies right, “Juice”, that’s a good one, “Deep Blue Sea” a damn shark ate him!!!

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. BULLSHIT! I cannot believe you saw that rash. You just lost a half a notch on my scale. Mint how could you?? Dont you dare say it was for teh blog. Have some standard man….

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