Uncle Vito Pedder-Ass?

www.9news.com is reporting that Uncle Vito from Viva La Bam was busted for sexually assaulting two 12 year olds at the skate park in Colorado Mills Mall in Lakewood, CO. WOW, what should most celebrities already know about coming to Colorado that they can learn from Kobe, it’s not worth it. Leave it in your pants and call it a night. Uncle Vito was in town signing autographs and assaulted the two girls. The girls reported the incident to mall security and the rest is done. Uncle Vito will hear his charges before a Jefferson County judge Monday at 10am. BUSTED!! 12 year olds dude….

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. I think it is “petterass” Cause he pets children… Sick dude vito was nasty before and sick now!!

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