Ghostland Observatory – Last Night @ Hi-Dive

I am one to support the opening acts at a show. Last night, WOW. My ears couldn’t take how bad they openers were. Thank God for next door, Sputnik (one of the better bars in Menver). Atleast the headliners more than made up for the openers. Small crowd last night, but wow, there was a ton of ladies in the crowd. Not usually the case for these kinds of shows…. I thought that the guy w/the long hair was a girl, was I mistaken… Only 2 members in the band, drummer, and guitarist, but they made enough loud music to combat a stomping herd of elephants. The music was meant to be danced to, but it just sounded like these kids were RAWKIN….

Ghostland Observatory – Edge of Town.mp3
[MP3] Ghostland Observatory – Sad Sad City thanxs to the wondeful Rock Insider

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By julio

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