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The Rosebuds

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from the Rosebuds, next thing we know, the’re releasing a new album…..

The Rosebuds-Boxcar [mp3]

From Merge:
Ivan and Kelly recorded Life Like at home in Raleigh, NC.

They began by making demos and sketches of songs to entertain themselves, mostly by 4-track, and then, realizing they had a complete record’s worth of songs, decided to finish the tracks, keeping most of that early recorded material intact. Then, they called in their friends and neighbors (including Portastatic’s Matthew McCaughan, Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon, and Ashley Stove’s Jim Brantley) to lend their talents. Thus, Life Like was born.

The Rosebuds defy categorization with each new release, like creatures in a myth, shifting shape to avoid capture, or slippery catfish in a North Carolina river. Mention The Smiths and Ivan will turn his Morrissey croon into a gruff Greg Dulli growl or splash it against some reverb-laden surf guitar. Call them Southern Gothic and they’ll release a dance record.

On their newest album, Life Like, The Rosebuds return to more acoustic territory, barely a year after releasing the synth-heavy dance pop of 2007’s Night of the Furies. Kelly says that perhaps they needed to exorcise the anger and disillusion caused by a hard year of terrifying storms, and endless frustration over an ineffectual political state (that provided the need for the Furies metaphor in their songs) before they could move on to explore stories more closely related to their everyday life.

Life Like will be released on October 7, 2008.

Watch a video of Life Like snippets below:

By julio

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