Mexico City
I HEART MEXICO CITY. It is the craziest big city in the world. The urban jungle makes NYC look like a little playpark, seriously. I had a great time, the people were wonderful and I wish I could be back already. I went to a ton of museums and climbed a couple of pyramids. I ate some of the best food in my life. I was hipped to some new music and even marched in a protest.
Sussie 4 – Can You Feel Me MP3 File Link
The votes haven’t been recounted thus far, geez, I’m having flashbacks of Florida…..
We were doused at the protest …VOTO POR VOTO
Diego Rivera Mural “Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Alameda Central”

Did I turn the coffe pot off??? A day at the Pyramids at Teotihuacan

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. dope picture of the pyramid 🙂

    did you see any Xolos ?

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