Bloc Party @ Ogden Theatre Last Night

Bloc Party has come a long way since their days of playing Urban Outfitters and their release of “Silent Alarm.” Since then, they have trekked around the globe playing countless festivals, garnered plenty of attention, and have taken their place amongst the musical elite. Many circles consider Kele to be one of the best in the business and for good reason. As an act , they have matured to no end. They use to look like robots on stage, not a bad thing, like Daft Punk robots. Kele has turned into quite the showman and has learned how to commandeer the stage, I know what you’re thinking and no, not like Bono. Their sound was incredible for this very young enthusiastic crowd. Which by the way, makes me happy, it makes me feel as if
America’s youth has not gone entirely to the shitter and their is hope. Matt Tong was surreal on drums last night. I am afraid to see what his hands look like, because from my vantage point, it looked like he was crushing those things. My only contention of the evening had to be the removing of Matt’s t-shirt. Those things don’t bother me. I just firmly believe that if you are on stage in a band, the only way you should be taking off your shirt should be if you are ripped or have a gorilla suit underneath. Overall, Bloc Party was Bloc Party, nothing more or nothing less. They are only going to get bigger and hopefully the quality doesn’t suffer as a result of their stardom.

Download: ‘Waiting For The 7.18’ (London Fabric, 16.03.06)
Download: ‘Machine / Perfect Teens’ (London Fabric, 16.03.06)
Download: ‘Uniform’ (London Fabric, 16.03.06)
Download: ‘Cells Shaped Like Stars’ (London Fabric, 16.03.06)
Download: ‘Blue Moon / England’ (London Fabric, 16.03.06)
courtesy of

All photos on this post by Sarah Q. Posted by Picasa

By julio

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