The Young Knives

Here’s an interview that I conducted with the always funny and very talented UK band, The Young Knives. Their album Superabundance was released last month (you can purchase here) via Rykodisc.

The Young Knives-Up All Night [mp3]

Interview Time
C=T Why do you use “House of Lords” as an alias and what is the meaning behind the name choice?

YK The idea behind it was that I always veto everyone elses ideas, just like the house of lords does to the house of commons in the british parliamentary system. It’s a bit of a high brow nick name and not really very street but that’s how the young knives roll. Deeply and religiously uncool.

C=T Name some great music aliases …

YK Captain Beefheart, Adam Ant, David Bowie, Bono, The Edge, Sting, Maddonna, Elvis Costello, Garry Numan, Billy Idol… Is that enough? Why would anyone use their real name when you can have a superhero name?

C=T There’s a track on your “Rollerskater” EP that’s mostly interview, where bassist House of Lords expressed that he’d like to tour with Stephen Malkmus and the Jick, please elaborate.

YK At the time when we made that Album (2002) The first Malkmus solo album had just been released and we all went to Sheperds Bush Empire to watch them play. It was a really awesome gig so it stuck in my mind. That’s why when we did this interview I thought of them. However, Malkmus has brought out another 3 albums since and all have them have been a bit shit. I would still like to meet him and hang out and get drunk and stuff. Pavement were awesome but I don’t think I would like to have to listen to his more rubbish songs every night.

C=T It is common knowledge that your B-sides are equally as good as proper full lengths. Why the neglected treatment and not give the B-sides a proper release?

YK – Because we have to make b-sides so some songs have to be a-sides and others have to be B-sides. We like to think that our b-sides are still good songs and not actually worse that our album tracks just maybe a bit different. Having said that we have done a couple of really bad B-sides. Maybe after our 5th album we will release a B-sides and rarities album. Maybe not.

C=T Your sound has progressively become darker, why the shift in mood?

YK-We are getting older and progressively more cynical.

C=T Why did “Tailors” never become a proper single?

YK-I don’t think it would have worked as a single, that’s not to say it isn’t a good song it’s just not right for releasing as a single. It’s probably too downbeat.

By julio

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