*** Kate Nash
*** Fox Theater
*** 05.05.08

My friend Castro was able to hit up the Kate Nash show from last night. Here’s what he had to say:

I ended up covering the Kate Nash NME Tour last night in Boulder, Colorado. I was eager to see her with a full backing band this time as opposed to the acoustic set she performed at the Cedar Street Courtyard during SXSW.
I don’t think the venue sold out, nonetheless, Kate managed to wow the crowd with her unique and soothing voice. She seemed somewhat nervous and giddy as she spoke in between songs, but as soon as she hit the first note of the song, she seemed like a seasoned veteran up on the stage. All in all she seemed to win over quite a few fans with her no holds barred lyrics that she brought to the table. At times it seemed like the whole crowd knew every chorus to every song, not bad considering she is trying to break into the American scene. Welcome to America Kate, hope you enjoy your stay.

Kate Nash- Skeleton Song [mp3]

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. I love Kate Nash! I’m going to her show at the Showbox in Seattle this Friday night… can’t wait! I just read about her in Ragged – she looks adorable on the cover and it’s free to download! Check it out http://www.raggedmag.com

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