Picture 634

*** Federico Aubele
*** Gothic Theatre
*** 04.04.08

It’s funny what singing in a foreign language can do for you. Especially in a foreign land, as it was for Federico Aubele and Natalia Clavier (the South American Songbird that will be releasing her solo album this Summer via ESL Music). I had caught the Argentine several years ago at the Austin City Limits Festival, and I sincerely felt that the timing of their performance was poor. Federico’s music is best enjoyed at dusk or late evening, not at the top of the afternoon. He had a full band backing him at the last performance. Friday night’s minimalistic performance (acoustic guitar and labtop) had the crowd tangoing from side to side with their significant others and singing in other tongues. The strum of an acoustic guitar to the tune of steamy tango twinged music is universal, therefore making it irresistible for the crowd to keep their hands to their sides.Federico also mentioned that he will be doing a headlining tour in September and he will be making his way through Denver, so mark your calendars.

Postales [mp3]

El Amor de Este Pueblo [mp3]

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By julio

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